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I.    Purpose.  The 班级出勤报告程序 (“Procedure”) is established to comply with the U.S. 教育部关于颁发学生经济援助的规定, 定义如下, 明确指导员的出勤报告义务.  

II.    适用范围及适用性.  本程序适用于最全菠菜网院(“学院”)的所有教师。.   

III.    Definitions.  本程序中所有大写术语的含义如下:

A.    Academic Attendance is a determination made by the College about whether a Student is in attendance for purposes of eligibility to receive Student Financial Aid and includes Academic Engagement. 

B.    Academic Engagement means active participation by a Student in an instructional activity related to the Student's course of study that includes, 但不限于:

1.    参加同步课程, lecture, recitation, 或实地或实验室活动, 实体或在线, 教师和学生之间有互动的机会;

2.    提交学术作业;

3.    参加评估或考试的; 

4.    参与互动式辅导, webinar, 或其他互动式计算机辅助教学;

5.    参加学习小组, 集团项目, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or

6.    与导师就学术问题进行互动; 


a.    Logging into an online class or tutorial without any further participation; or

b.    参加一般的学术咨询或建议.

C.    Business Day is any day that is not a Saturday or Sunday or day that the College is closed, 比如假期, 春假, 寒假, 或其他日子,学院宣布关闭.

D.    上课出勤规则 are attendance requirements established by Instructors to govern a class and are stated in the class syllabus.

E.    主任是学院的财政援助主任.

F.    教学主管指教师的直接主管. 

G.    指导员指被指定为课程指导员的个人. 

H.    Return of Funds means the federally mandated process by which the College calculates the amount of federal funds to be returned for a Title IV aid recipient who withdraws or who ceases attendance during a semester.

I.    学生是指已注册任何学分的个人, 发展, non-credit, 或本学期学院开设的继续教育课程.

J.    Student Financial Aid is student financial assistance authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. 

K.    退伍军人福利是为符合条件的退伍军人提供的退伍军人教育福利, 服务人员, 以及某些退伍军人的家属.

L.    书面的或in writing的意思是以信件的形式, document, email, 或电子通讯或传输.

IV.    报到出勤 

A.    The Financial Aid and Veteran’s Benefits offices use the Academic Attendance data to determine disbursement dates for Student Financial Aid and to certify Veterans Benefits. 除了, the Financial Aid office uses the last day of attendance in the Return of Funds calculations.

B.    所有的老师 are required to report Academic Attendance for all Students in their classes in the following manner:

1.    教员必须遵守 在学院的技术服务台客户门户网站上报告指南.

2.    An Instructor must report a Student as being in Academic Attendance as soon as the Student demonstrates Academic Engagement in the course during the reporting period.

3.    Thereafter an Instructor must continue to regularly report Academic Attendance for all Students in all classes on the reporting date(s) if there was any Academic Engagement in the course by the Student in the reporting period, 按照说明书上的说明 学院的技术服务台客户门户.

4.    教师必须在最终成绩输入前检查并记录出勤率. 

C.    Students with questions about attendance reporting should be referred to their Instructor first, 然后是教学主管. 

D.    An award of Student Financial Aid and eligibility for Veterans’ Benefits is based on a Student’s Academic Attendance, 即使《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》对出勤的定义不同.

V.    上课出勤规则

A.    An Instructor may define Class Attendance in Class Attendance rules for a course differently than Academic Attendance is defined in this Procedure.

B.    The 上课出勤规则 are specific to each course and are within the discretion of the Instructor. 

C.    Students should be aware that lack of regular attendance in violation of the 上课出勤规则 will affect their grades adversely in those classes in which attendance is a stated requirement in the class syllabus. 

D.    对于课程大纲中没有规定出勤要求的课程, Student grades may be adversely affected by failure to satisfactorily complete assignments and coursework.

VI.    上课出勤限制

A.    只有正式注册的学生才能参加. 

B.    No visitors, 包括但不限于儿童, 家庭成员, 或替代品, may be allowed to attend or participate in any class without the permission of the Instructor.

VII.    关于学业出勤决定的上诉

A.    If a Student believes that the Student has been erroneously reported by an Instructor as not being in Academic Attendance, 学生应与导师协商解决问题. 

B.    如果没有达成决议, 学生必须咨询指导老师, 然后是院长. 

C.    如果学生未能与导师解决问题, 教学主管和/或院长, 学生可将上诉表格以书面形式递交至处长, providing a description of the reason(s) the Student should have been reported as being in Academic Attendance and copies of any documentation the Student has in support of the Student’s position.

D.    If possible, Appeals should be submitted during the current academic semester while the Student is enrolled in the class in question, 且不迟于学期结束后的十五(15)个工作日.   申诉可以在学生退学或学期结束后提出, 但是经济援助的支付可能是有限的. 

E.    校长会将一份上诉表格寄给导师, Instructional Supervisor and Dean within five (5) Business Days of the 吸引力的形式 being sent.

1.    导师必须提交书面回应表格, stating the reason(s) the Student was not reported as being in Academic Attendance within five (5 ) Business Days of the 吸引力的形式 being sent. 如认为有必要,署长可批准延长此截止日期.

2.    The Instructor must include with the 反应形式 a copy of any documentation or reference to the College’s learning management system and/or other College systems that are used to track Students’ Academic Attendance in support of the Instructor’s decision to report the Student as not being in Academic Attendance.

F.    主任将审查学生提供的信息和文件, 讲师的回应, 及由档案办公室提供的出勤资料, including documentation from the College’s learning management system or other College systems that are used to track Students’ Academic Attendance.

G.    Within five (5) Business Days of receiving all necessary information from the Records office and Instructor, the Director will determine whether the Student should or should not have been reported as being in Academic Attendance on the reporting date. 如有必要,署长可延长此截止日期. 

H.    If the Director determines that the Student should have been reported as being in Academic Attendance on the reporting date, the Director will contact the Records office and request a change to the Student’s Academic Attendance in the College’s system.

I.    The Director of Financial Aid’s determination regarding Academic Attendance shall be final and may not be further appealed or grieved. 

J.    署长认为必要时,可延长本程序中的所有截止日期. 

程序名称:  班级出勤报告程序

政策类别:  学术事务

政策的所有者:  负责学习支持服务的副总裁

策略管理员:  学生经济援助主任

联系信息:; 410-777-2146

批准日期:  May 6, 2024

有效日期:  2024年5月21日

History:  Replaces Class Attendance Academic Regulation, Interim Procedures adopted June 12, 2023

适用于:  所有的老师

相关政策:  N/A    

相关程序:  N/A 

•  吸引力的形式
•  反应形式

•1965年高等教育法第四章,20美国.S.C. §1070及以下.
•  34 C.F.R. 668.22(l)(7)(i)  
•  34 C.F.R. 600.2